The Meaning of Our Name

The Meaning of the Name
Living: It is the act of a believer to learn God's Word and apply it  to our  daily living. In doing so, we will glorify God and edify self  and others.
 (2  Corinthians 5:15)
Word: It is the Word of God that brings about the change in the  life of all  who believe His Word. It is the mind of God to the  people of God. 
 (Isaiah 55:11)
Christian: To be Christlike. Every believer should desire to  become an image of Jesus Christ while on this earth.

(Luke 9:23)
Church: The body of Christ (Ephesians 4: 11-16). The local  church is a  congregation of believers who come together to  function as God's called  out community.

(Act 2:42)

Mission Statement
Living Word Christian Church exist for the purpose of 
winning souls for Christ and to encourage Christian living.

About Living Word Christian Church

From the Pastor's Heart

Welcome Everyone!! 

We are so glad you came to visit our site today. Here at Living Word Christian Church, we are not strangers and none shall be forsaken. 
2 Corinthians 3: 17

"Now the Lord is that Spirit:  and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."